Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Through Storytelling in Junor High School
The purpose of this research was to improve students’ speaking skill through storytelling at ninth grade of SMP Nabil Husein Samarinda in Academic year 2015/2016. In this research, the researcher used storytelling as a method of learning English speaking to find out, what this method can improve speaking skills through storytelling at the ninth grade of SMP Nabil Husein Samarinda. Thus, the students can speak English in telling a story with the style and expression of each student, and can pronounce the words in English. Thus, by using storytelling as a learning aid students can improve their speaking ability. Research design of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Subjects examined were 27 respondents from students of the ninth grade (F). This research has been carried out by using a two cycle. Which consists of; planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research instrument used by the researcher are (1) a test, (2) observation checklist, (3) an observation sheet and (4) documentation. The research finding indicates that the success criterion has placed students’ second work on the procurement cycle. Assessment result is achieved in excess of 70% as a normal score of "Good". As many as 23 students successful scores above 70, so the final result is found that 92 % of the students succeeded in improving students speaking skill by using storytelling.
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