EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran
<p>EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran</p>Pusat Pelatihan, Riset, dan Pembelajaran Bahasaen-USEDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran2502-9150Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method in The Nurul Huda Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda
<p>The cooperative learning method is one of the methods that can be used for early childhood. This method can holistically support early childhood development. One of the kindergartens that apply the cooperative learning method is Nurul Huda Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda. For this reason, it is necessary to see how the cooperative learning method is implemented at Nurul Huda Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda. This research uses a qualitative approach, and data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data is then found in the analyst with data triangulation and descriptive narrative. The results showed that facilities and infrastructure supported the implementation of the cooperative learning method well. However, there is still a challenge, namely at the beginning of early childhood learning, that is egocentric, so it is necessary for the role of teachers to have good classroom management and to be an example when the method is implemented.</p>Nurbiah RasyidLina Revilla Malik
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran
2024-12-152024-12-159313514610.21462/educasia.v9i3.270Grammatical Errors of the Ninth-Grade Indonesian EFL Students’ Writing
<p><em>Language serves as a crucial medium for communication, enabling the transmission of ideas and information. English, as a global lingua franca, plays a pivotal role in various domains, including trade, technology, academia, and diplomacy. The significance of English proficiency extends to its role as a medium of instruction in educational settings worldwide, facilitating access to global knowledge. Within English education, language acquisition encompasses four key skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among these, writing is often considered the most challenging skill due to its complex cognitive and linguistic demands. Writing requires mastery of grammatical rules, vocabulary, and formal aspects, which are essential for effective communication. Grammar, as the foundation of sentence structure, plays a critical role in ensuring clarity and coherence in written texts. This paper explores the challenges of writing in English, particularly in the context of grammatical errors in students' writing, and discusses the importance of understanding the components of language. The study also examines the writing process, emphasizing stages such as planning, drafting, editing, and finalizing, and highlights the distinction between errors and mistakes in language use. By focusing on grammatical errors and their sources, such as interlingual and intralingual transfer, the paper underscores the need for effective pedagogical strategies to improve students' writing skills. The analysis concludes that a comprehensive approach to language instruction, with a focus on grammar and writing structure, is crucial for enhancing students' proficiency in English writing.</em></p>Azzahra MuharmahUmar Fauzan
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran
2024-12-152024-12-159314715610.21462/educasia.v9i3.262Penerapan Program Sekolah Ramah Anak Untuk Mendukung Pengasuhan Positif Pada Anak Usia Dini
<p>Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is an important stage in building a child's personality and character. This research aims to examine the implementation of the Child Friendly School (SRA) program at KB Al Mardhiyyah 3 Samarinda in supporting positive parenting. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation involving school principals, teachers and parents. The research results show that the implementation of SRA in this school includes managing a safe physical environment, positive parenting by teachers, play-based learning, parenting programs, and promoting a culture of anti-violence. Supporting factors for success include the principal's commitment, teacher training and parental involvement, while the main challenges are the low awareness of some parents about positive parenting and limited facilities due to lack of financial support. This research concludes that SRA at KB Al Mardhiyyah 3 has succeeded in creating a child-friendly educational environment and supporting children's growth and development holistically, although they still face obstacles that require innovative strategies.</p>Suci RahmadaniLina Revilla Malik
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran
2024-12-152024-12-159315716810.21462/educasia.v9i3.268Peran Teknologi AI PAUDPEDIA sebagai Media Pembelajaran Interaktif dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Digital Anak Usia Dini di TK ABA 3 Samarinda
<p>In the contemporary era, digital literacy is a crucial skill, particularly in early childhood education (PAUD). It encompasses not just the ability to utilize technology but also the skills to disseminate information, communicate effectively, and collaborate within a digital context. A notable innovation in PAUD learning support is the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based media, such as PAUDPEDIA. This platform is tailored to offer adaptive content, instant feedback, and an engaging, enjoyable learning experience. The aims of this research is to evaluate the implication of PAUDPEDIA as an interactive educational tool in enhancing digital literacy among early learners at TK ABA. Therefore, developing the competence of educators in utilizing technology such as PAUDPEDIA is a strategic step to support quality education in the digital era.</p>Padia Nadila SariMohammad Salehudin
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran
2024-12-242024-12-249316917910.21462/educasia.v9i3.279Survei Pelaksanaan Praktik P5 terhadap Pembentukan Nilai Karakter Pancasila pada Siswa di SMPN 39 Kota Semarang
<p>Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) adalah program Kurikulum Merdeka yang dirancang untuk membentuk karakter siswa melalui pengembangan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam kegiatan tematik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif untuk mengukur efektivitas P5 dalam membentuk karakter siswa di SMP Negeri 39 Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan siswa terhadap pelaksanaan P5 cukup tinggi, dengan 48,5% merasa puas dan 51,5% sangat puas. Pemahaman siswa terhadap nilai-nilai Pancasila terlihat positif, dengan presentase sebesar 84,2% siswa menyatakan setuju dan 16,8% sangat setuju bahwa program ini berkontribusi dalam membantu para siswa menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai tersebut. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah hasil survei dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi sekolah untuk meningkatkan kualitas program, terutama dengan memperkuat peran guru dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai Pancasila secara lebih mendalam dan berkelanjutan.</p>NadiaLaela Kurnia NafitasariImroatuth ToyyibahFitriyani
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran